Silo Park reflections
On a blustery day that had me as nervous about losing my hat as I was excited about capturing my next photograph, I made the rounds of Silo Park located in Auckland’s North Wharf, on the prowl for a new image.
One of the retired silos has been converted into a small music performance hall. One can imagine that the composite sound of a small ensemble, confined to the diminutive and rounded space of the silo’s interior, would be one part profusion, two parts confusion.
On one side of the silo’s exterior, a set of stairs ushers one to an entrance; on its opposite side, a small window — a third artefact of the silo’s repurposed intent — fills the hall with natural light.
As I passed that window, I paused to consider the complex patterns reflected on the glass, a refracted signature of land and sky.
I had snared my next photograph.
Love that we find extra worlds in reflections