I particularly like the way you have captured so many interesting elements into a seemingly simple β€˜snap’ of a shop window. πŸ‘πŸΌβœ…

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Mōrena Leyette. Thanks for your perceptive observation. I do spend considerable time 'circling' a potential photographic subject to determine where best to stand (or crouch) to accentuate and balance visual elements. The issue with the Public Record building image was at least two-fold. I was restricted by parked cars along Ponsonby Road and could not move as far back as I would have preferred. Hence the image pinches the base of the front facade. Secondly, the display glass was highly reflective, and I had to experiment with positioning that captured in the display's reflection only those visual elements that were integral to the photograph. Again, thanks for noticing and commenting upon the relative complexity and deliberateness of the composition.

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